The perception of and adaptation to climate variability/ change in Ghana by small-scale and commercial farmersDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Energy Reforms as Adaptation and Mitigation Measures to Climate Change: A Case of GhanaDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Climate Change Impact on Togo's Agricultural Performance: A ricardian analysis based on time series dataDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Flood Impacts on Household’s Welfare and Maximal Acceptable Flood Risk in CotonouDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Field and simulation experiments for investigating regional land-atmosphere interactions in West Africa: Experimental set-up and first resultsDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
West African Monsoon in State-of-the-Science Regional Climate Models, Climate VariabilityDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Farming in the West African Sudan Savanna: Insights in the context of climate changeDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Climatology, annual cycle and interannual variability of precipitation and temperature in CORDEX simulations over West AfricaDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Far from basic rules. Social dynamics, legal regulations and access to household water in Northern Ghana 1965-2012December 11, 2018By WASCAL
Tracking atmospheric water pathways by direct evaporation tagging: A case study for West AfricaDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Migration, Social Demands and Environmental Change amongst the Frafra of Northern Ghana and the Biali in Northern BeninDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL