Location: South Africa
Job Overview
The Southern African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL), as an intergovernmental organization, is looking for an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR to provide intellectual leadership in the Southern African Region for its integrated research and capacity building on social, economic and environmental themes in addressing Sustainable Development and Climate Change and Renewable Energies issues.
SASSCAL (a joint institution of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Germany) is a leading academic and trans-disciplinary research organization serving policy makers in Southern Africa with science-based advice on adaptation to the effects of Climate Change, Land Management and Renewable Energies. It cooperates with different international funding partners, works with many Research Agencies and universities in the region and provides a knowledge platform of Excellence in different fields.
Job Purpose
The Executive Director of SASSCAL shall provide intellectual leadership to integrated Research on social, economic, biological, agricultural and physical themes in addressing Climate Change and Renewable Energies issues of central importance in the development of Southern Africa. He/She will be responsible for the successful leadership and management of the organization according to the strategic direction set by the Ministerial Council, the Governing Board and the Funders.
Key duties and responsibilities
Strategic Leadership
- Implement the Vision and Mission of SASSCAL.
- Implement the Governing Board’s decisions on all aspects of the organization’s activities.
- Develop, under the guidance of the Governing Board, the necessary Strategic Plan of SASSCAL.
- Identify, assess, and inform the Governing Board about internal and external issues that affect the organization
Promoting Science for Sustainable Development
- Foster effective team work between the Governing Board and the office of the Executive Director and between the Executive Director, the Management and the staff.
- Represent the organization at all official functions, conferences, seminars, etc.
- Provide strategic direction for the management of the organization, including its nodes in the member countries.
- Develop and execute a Strategic Plan for fund-raising and resource mobilization
- Provide strategic direction in the Management and dissemination of research outputs for the benefit of the member countries.
- Ensure that SASSCAL plays a transformative role in a changing environment.
- Complete the transformation process of SASSCAL to an international organization.
Operational planning and management
- Develop an operational plan which incorporates goals and objectives that work towards the strategic direction of the organization in the longer, medium and short term.
- Ensure that the operations of the organization meet the expectations of the Ministerial Council, of the Governing Board, of the Funders and of all stakeholders.
- Oversee the efficient and effective day-to-day management and operations of the organization.
- Draft resolutions for the approval of the governing board and prepare procedures to implement the organizational policies; review existing policies and recommend changes to the Board as appropriate.
- Enter into contractual relations on behalf of the organization for the purpose of executing its programmes.
- Ensure the timely preparation and submission of all audited financial and management reports to the governing board and funders for approval.
Program planning and management
- Oversee the planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review of the organization’s programs and services.
- Ensure that the programs and services offered by the organization contribute to the organization’s mission and reflect the priorities of the Governing Board and the Funders.
- Monitor the day-to-day delivery of the programs and services of the organization to maintain or improve quality.
- Oversee the planning, implementation, execution and evaluation of special projects.Human resources planning and management
- Determine staffing requirements for organizational management and program delivery.
- Oversee the implementation of the human resources policies, procedures and practices including the development of job description for all staff.
- Establish a positive, healthy and safe work environment in accordance with all appropriate legislation and regulations.
- Recruit, interview and select staff that have the right technical and personal abilities to help further the organization’s mission.
Promoting Science for Sustainable Development
- Implement a performance management system for all staff which includes monitoring the performance of staff on an on-going basis and conducting annual performance reviews.
- Coach and mentor staff as appropriate to improve performance.
- Discipline or release staff in accordance with the provisions in the staff policy or the labor law of the member country as it may apply.
Financial planning and management
- Work with staff and the Governing Board (Finance and Audit Committee) and timely prepare comprehensive annual budgets.
- Work with the Governing Board to secure adequate funding for the operation of the organization.
- Research funding sources, oversee the development of Fund-Raising plans and write funding proposals to increase the funds of the organization.
- Secure funds for SASSCAL through both international and local fundraising activities
- Approve expenditures within the authority delegated by the Governing Board.
- Ensure that sound bookkeeping and accounting procedures are followed.
- Administer the funds of the organization according to the approved budget and monitor the monthly cash flow of the organization.
- Provide the Board with comprehensive, regular reports on the revenues and expenditure of the organization.
- Ensure that the organization complies with all legislation covering taxation and withholding payments.
Desired Personal characteristics
The Executive Director should demonstrate competence in the following:
- Adaptability: Demonstrate a willingness to be flexible, versatile and/or tolerant in a changing work environment while maintaining effectiveness and efficiency.
- Behave Ethically: Understand ethical behavior and business practices and ensure that his/her own behavior and the behavior of others is consistent with these standards and aligns with the values of the organization.
- Build Relationships: Establish and maintain positive working relationships with others, both internally and externally, to achieve the goals of the organization.
- Communicate Effectively: Speak, listen and write in a clear, thorough and timely manner using appropriate and effective communication tools and techniques.
- Creativity/Innovation: Develop new and unique ways to improve operations of the organization and to create new opportunities.
- Foster Teamwork: Work cooperatively and effectively with others to set goals, resolve problems, and make decisions that enhance organizational effectiveness.
- Plan: Determine strategies to move the organization forward, set goals, create and implement action plans, and evaluate the processes and results.
Promoting Science for Sustainable Development
- Solve Problems: Assess problem situations to identify causes, gather and process relevant information, generate possible solutions, and make recommendations and/or resolve the problem.
- Think Strategically: Assess options and actions based on trends and conditions in the environment, and the vision and values of the organization.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and in another language.
- Computer literate: Good command and versatile computing skills.
Required Qualifications
- PhD or its equivalent and a strong academic record in social, economic and environmental sciences of sustainable development and climate change including areas like geography, geosciences, economics, agriculture and natural resources management, law, engineering or closely related fields to the mission of SASSCAL.
- Ten (10) or more years work experience of which at least Five (5) years in senior management position at regional or international level.
- Broad experience in interdisciplinary development research and strong strategic and analytical capacities.
- Experience in providing technical support, advisory services and input in policy development processes.
- Proven active role in building and maintaining regional and international interdisciplinary research networks.
- Proven competence and expertise in successful fundraising and mobilization of resources.
Terms and Conditions
The Executive Director will be appointed for a period of up to four years starting from the date of appointment, with the possibility of renewal based on strong performance and availability of funds.
SASSCAL offers an attractive remuneration package for the Executive Director position.
Applications are to be addressed electronically to: ed.recruitment@sasscal.org
Besides a signed letter of motivation, applicants are requested to provide a detailed curriculum vitae which will be subject to comparative evaluation, as well as certified copy of certificates, a list of publications, a statement of research interests, and the names and contact information of three referees.
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted after the deadline for application.
The closing date for applications is 27th November 2024.
For further information, please visit www.sasscal.org