Tiga Neya, Akwasi. A. Abunyewa, Oble Neya, Benewende J-B Zoungrana, Kangbeni Dimobe, Hypolite Tiendrebeogo & John Magistro


Environmental Management volume 65, pages203–211(2020)Cite this article


Agroforestry plays an important role in climate mitigation through atmospheric carbon removal by photosynthetic activity of tree. However, the carbon sequestration potential of smallholder’s agroforestry’s parklands is not well documented in Burkina Faso. Therefore, agroforestry parkland of smallholders’ farmers in three climatic zones was studied. Thirty household farmlands in each climatic zone representing about 35 ha were selected on which systematic woody species inventory and dendrometry data collections were undertaken. Nondestructive method using fitted allometrics equations was used to compute carbon stock. Sustainability analysis of carbon sequestration potential was done using ]0–10], ]10–40], and ]40–110 cm] diameter class as long term, medium term, and short term, respectively. The balance between marketable carbon value and the trade-off from tree conservation of three major crops was also analyzed. The results revealed 24.71 ± 5.84 tCO2 ha−1, 28.35 ± 5.84 tCO2 ha−1, and 33.86 ± 5.84 tCO2 ha−1 in Ouahigouya, Sapouy, and Bouroum-Bouroum at p < 0.1 respectively. Long- and short-term carbon sequestration potential was attributed to Ouahigouya with 1.82 and 68.03%, respectively. With, the medium term analysis Sapouy came first with 71.71% of total amount of carbon. The marketable carbon value was less than trade-off value resulting in keeping trees and crop production. The balance analysis revealed that carbon payment system promoted by REDD+ initiative will be profitable and compensable to smallholder farmers effort to plant and keep tree when the tCO2 ha−1 price will be around US$ 4.00. By taking into account farmers’ interests and profitability on carbon market will be the most relevant incentive method to enhance carbon stock in agroforestry parkland.

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Authors thank West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Land Use (WASCAL) for their financial support to this PhD research. The authors also wish to thank smallholders’ farmers and technicians whose commitment was crucial to achieving the outputs of this study.

Author information


  1. Department of Civil Engineering, WASCAL Climate Change and Land Use, Kwame Nkrumah University of Sciences and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
    • Tiga Neya
  2. Department of Agroforestry, Kwame Nkrumah University of Sciences and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
    • Akwasi. A. Abunyewa
  3. West African Science of Climate Change and Adapted Land Use Competence Centre, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
    • Oble Neya
    • , Benewende J-B Zoungrana
    •  & Kangbeni Dimobe
  4. Ministry of Agriculture, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
    • Hypolite Tiendrebeogo
  5. Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience, and Food Security Office, Alexandria, VA, USA
    • John Magistro

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Correspondence to Tiga Neya.

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Neya, T., Abunyewa, A.A., Neya, O. et al. Carbon Sequestration Potential and Marketable Carbon Value of Smallholder Agroforestry Parklands Across Climatic Zones of Burkina Faso: Current Status and Way Forward for REDD+ Implementation. Environmental Management 65, 203–211 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-019-01248-6

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  • Carbon dioxide
  • Trade-offs
  • Carbon market
  • Farmland
  • Smallholders
  • Burkina Faso