

As part of the overall Youth4Climate initiative, led by UNDP in partnership with the Government of Italy, the Youth4Climate Call for Solutions was launched.

Thisis aimed at the implementation of innovative approaches to drive climate action. The deadlineto apply to the Youth4Climate Call for Solutions is 31 March 2023.

The call offers to young people, between 18 and 29, the opportunity to apply in four thematic areas: (i) Food and Agriculture, (ii) Energy, (iii) Education and (iv) Urban Sustainability. 

The best proposals will receive up to 20,000 USD, but all the participants will have access to other important opportunities to realize their solutions, such as technical assistance and learning opportunities. 

To apply and find all the supporting documents and guidelines for the Youth4Climate Solutions, kindly visit the following site:

Please visit the Rome Centre website and register to  Youth4Climate Platform  to keep up to date with key resources, events, and peer-to-peer learning. 

For further clarification on the application process, please contact