As part of its efforts to involve children in combatting Climate Change and improving livelihoods in West Africa, WASCAL invited sixty (60) children from two basic schools (Horizon International and École Paddoue) in Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso to participate in the just ended WASCAL Science Symposium (WASS 2022) held in Ouagadougou.
The objective for the children’s participation was to introduce them to Climate Change, behaviour change, transition to green energy, trees planting, waste management and repurposing, as well as the role of circular economy in climate mitigation and adaptation.
It was an exciting time to sensitize the next generation on the realities of Climate Change. The school kids spoke, asked questions, and engaged with WASCAL scientists and directors. They were also hosted at the WASCAL CHANNEL Studio for interview, as well as taken through the exhibition grounds.
An exhibition of the WASCAL Automatic Weather Sensors (AWS) data infrastructure, allowed the kids to interact with scientists and understood the role of AWS, knowledge transfer, data management and digital transformation in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The question-and-answer session focused on kids’ opinion on Climate Change, people behaviour, and WASCAL role in combatting Climate Change and improving livelihood in and for West Africa.