As part of efforts to fight the global pandemic corona virus, members of staff of the Doctoral Research Programme-West African Climate Systems (WACS -FUTA) have donated 50 packs of COVID-19 palliatives to a neighbouring village to the University, Ibule-Soro. The packages were meant to ameliorate the biting effects of the COVID-19 lockdown. Voluntary donations were received from members of staff as well as few other well-wishers. A pharmaceutical company also donated some packs of vitamin C tablets.
Each package consisted of a customised face mask in the name of FUTA WASCAL, one hand sanitizer, a pack of Vitamin C, one pack of rice; 4 packs of noodles, spaghetti, and onions.
In a brief introduction, the Director of DRP-WACS, Prof. Debo Adeyewa, introduced WASCAL and its efforts to train doctoral students on climate issues across West Africa with particular emphasis on the role of DRP-WACS (FUTA). The 50 families that received the packages were carefully selected by the Regent of the village, Princess Moyinoluwa Falowo. She appreciated WASCAL for the kind gesture at such a challenging time. Ten (10) other packages were given to palace chiefs and the Regent making a total of 60 packs.
The Doctoral Programme in West African Climate Systems focuses on educating doctoral students in the fields of meteorology and climatology, providing theoretical and practical training needed for the task of developing effective and sustainable adaptation and mitigation strategies to cope with the effects of climate change.