

The ability to appreciate diversity inspires inclusion at all levels, most especially in the discourse of pertinent and life-altering issues such as climate change. It is evident through empirical research in climate change communications that progress can only be achieved by identifying diverse stakeholders and designing tailored strategies – especially for the under-represented.

Women in particular play a crucial role in catalyzing a sustained positive change in the climate change discourse, embedded in their triple role in production, reproduction and community agency. A business-as-usual approach such as ‘add women and stir’ meaning merely ensuring a certain representation of women without inspiring or creating an enabling environment for them to participate effectively is just being politically correct. However, I stand with Jesse Jackson to say that “inclusion is not a matter of political correctness. It is the key to growth”.

I further agree with Sundar Pichai to say that “ a diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions and outcomes for everyone”. On the occasion of celebrating International Women’s Day, I encourage all actors in the climate change communication value chain, to inspire inclusion at all levels, especially the inclusion of women!


Dr Mrs Amma Birago Kantanka Gyimah (WASCAL Alumnus – Climate Change and Education)