The University of Rostock (UR) in Germany and West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) seek to apply portion of their budgetary allocation under the Waste2Energy project to procure the following contracts:
Lot 1 – Road and terrain construction
- Design and construction of a 0.5 km road from the main Gyankobaa road to the project site with a width of 9.5 m.
- Leveling, compaction and bitumen overlay on a 4002 m2 terrain within the production facility of the waste to energy pilot plant.
- Design and construct drainage system within the pilot facility
- Construction of paved footpaths (width of about 0.9 m) and a length of about (1.5 km) within the pilot facility to aid movement.
Lot 2 – Waste processing
- One (1) Waste sorting rotating trommel to handle out 5 tons/hr of waste with an integrated electromagnetic metal separator with all accessories.
- One (1) Conveyer belt systems with its accessories
- One (1) Crusher with a capacity of 5 – 10 tons/hr
- One (1) Hopper with an integrated material movement mechanism to transport waste into the crusher/trommel.
- 20 Containers for collection of residual waste 240 l
Lot 3 – Oil storage
- One (1) Oil tank for storage of residual fuel oil (30,000 l) capacity
Lot 4 – Weighing bridge
- One (1) surface mounted weighing bridge with a capacity of about 50 tons and accuracy of about 1%
Lot 5 – Water supply
- Underground mechanized well with water pumping accessories, connected to an already installed 5000 l water storage tank on site.
Lot 6 – Front loader
- One wheel based front loading machine with following specifications.
Power | Above 85 HP |
Lifting height | Above 3.5 m |
Dumping height | Above 3 m |
Bucket | Conical |
Overhead loading width | Above 0.75 m |
Scoop depth | About 150 mm |
Dumping angle | 63 deg |
Scoping angle | 46 deg |
WASCAL invites Tenders from eligible vendors/parties to put in their bid for any of the lots. Vendors/parties can opt to put in separate bids for each lot or are at liberty to choose which lot they want to tender for. A complete set of Tender Documents in ENGLISH, should reach the following email address ( or by Wednesday, 7th of April , 2021 by 5pm. Late Tenders shall be rejected. Tenders can also be deposited at WASCAL Office (CSIR Office Complex, Agostino Road, Airport Residential Area) or sent by post to PMB CT 504, Cantonments-Accra, Ghana
For any enquiries or clarifications, please contact or