0 Agroforestry Parklands of the Sudan Savanna in the Context of Climate Change: Firewood Energy in North-western Benin, West AfricaDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Soil and water conservation technologies in the West African Sudan Savanna: Cropping system options to address variability of crop yield and impacts of climate changeDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Hydrological Modeling of the Bani Basin in West Africa Uncertainties and Parameters RegionalizationDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Multi-Model Evaluation of Blue and Green Water Availability under Climate Change in Four-Non Sahelian Basins of the Niger River BasinDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Future productivity of fallow systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is the effect of demographic pressure and fallow reduction more significant than climate change?December 11, 2018By WASCAL
Accuracy of the Land Use/Cover classification in the Oueme Basin of Benin (West Africa)December 11, 2018By WASCAL
Analyzing the effects of different soil databases on modeling of hydrological processes and sediment yield in Benin (West Africa)December 11, 2018By WASCAL
Migration, Social Demands and Environmental Change amongst the Frafra of Northern Ghana and the Biali in Northern BeninDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Hydro-climatic changes in the Niger basin and consistency of local perceptionsDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL