The REPGAM project officials have begun data collection and renewable energy profiling of their beneficiary public institutions as preparatory stages to implement the instillations of free, clean, reliable, and affordable renewable energy to public institutions and communities in the country.
The moving delegation visited, assessed, and profile the energy consumption, gaps, and needs of the Gambia Civil Aviation Authority, Banjulanding Upper and Senior Secondary School, St. John’s school for the deaf as well as Bakoteh Fish Market.
Dr. Ebrima sonko the deputy director of the project and Suma W. Jadama the communications Consultant of REPGam project in their remarks stated that the project will reduce the country’s dependency of fossil fuel as well as complement government’s efforts in providing clean affordable and reliable energy supply.
Currently, the airport is said to have a capacity of 1000KVA NAWEC transformer which is aging thus the need for new interventions like the REPGAM project to address their energy needs. Officials of Gambia Civil Aviation Authority including Engineering director and his assistant Kabiro Jammeh and Edrissa Jarju noted the timeliness of the project lamenting on energy challenges they faced technically and financially.
REPGam’s data collectors visited offices, main terminal building as well as construction sites of the ongoing VVIP lounge at the Banjul International Airport to collect primary data on energy efficiency.
Banjulinding Upper and senior secondary with a student population in thousands under the leadership of Principal Saikou Samusa is a beneficiary of REPGam’s free renewable energy project who said the project would enhance teaching and learning in the school as well improve security and safety in the area.
The REPGam project funded by the German’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research and implemented by University of the Gambia under the supervision of the ministry of higher education. It is expected to contribute to Gambia government’s nationally determined contributions in mitigating climate change through live and livelihood opportunities to citizens