The objective of this priority research theme is to generate an updated and higher resolution West African time variant Land Use Land Cover (LULC) database (land units, plant functional types) along with their thermal and physical parameters to improve the representation of surface conditions in climate models and ultimately contribute to the development of a tailored dynamical vegetation model for the West African region.
- Deliverables
The overall deliverables of this PRT1 include:
- Present day land use/land cover/land degradation data at high resolution;
- Updated climate change projections for the region ;
- Coupled dynamical vegetation – climate model for West Africa ;
- Regional temperature and precipitation changes from new system 2030-2050 from Coupled Model Inter-comparaison Project Phase 6 Regional Climate Projection (CMIP6 RCP) ;
- Assessment of changes in extremes (floods, dust events, heat waves) in 2030-2050.