The Mono River in the Yoto
district, presents a challenge in terms of repeated flood hazard. The
eight selected communities lie in majority in the floodplains of the
Mono River and experience year after year flood disaster. This study
focuses on flood vulnerability assessment of the downstream part in the
Mono River basin in the Yoto district. It analyses the trend in rainfall
and river discharge series (1971-2010); it assesses the determinants of
flood vulnerability; and it equally computes Flood Vulnerability Index
The result reveals a clear evidence of change in
precipitation and river discharge patterns during the period of record.
It shows an extreme variability in terms of flood magnitude and
frequency in the Mono River. Besides, the closeness of households’
farmlands to the river body, the type of construction and the position
of settlements, the household size, the low level education of household
head, the lack of diversification of livelihood strategies, the lack of
adequate flood warning system and lack of willingness and ability to
take responsive actions coupled with inadequate emergency services, are
identified as main determinants increasing communities’ vulnerability to
flood disaster.
Furthermore, FVI offers easy comparison of communities’ vulnerability to flood disaster.