Vegetation Mapping Using Google Earth Engine
19th – 20th October 2021
AgRAIN – Remote Sensing Workshop

AgRAIN is a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to develop adaption strategies for agriculture to climate change in Burkina Faso. Part of the project is a hands-on remote sensing training workshop to build capacities of scientists, students, technicians, and representatives of public authorities in West Africa. This 2-day hybrid (online + physical) workshop is being organized by the Germany Aerospace Center and WASCAL and is scheduled for 19th and 20th October, 2021.
To register, click here (
Please note the following:
- Certificates will be issued to all participants who will successfully complete the training.
- Physical participation is reserved for a limited number of participants in Burkina Faso.
For further details, please contact or
More information,