WASCAL has successfully ended a two- day working meeting in Lomé, Togo, guided by the purposes and terms of references set out to review the past 10 years of the institution’s operations, while forecasting reforms that will go a long a way to ensure a more sustainable and stabilized institution; identify the challenges it has faced along the way, and to develop medium- and long-term plan for the sustainability of the organization
The workshop formed part of the WASCAL A DECADE Celebrations week in Lomé, Togo, where the official signing for the commencement of WASCAL took place in February 2012 between 10 West Africa countries and the Federal Republic of Germany.
The Executive Director of WASCAL was emphatic about the goodwill WASCAL has began to attract due its enormous contributions towards the provision of Climate Change solutions in West Africa. While congratulating all international and external stakeholders for contributing their quota towards the success stories of WASCAL, he admonished them to continue pushing towards the future and sustainability of the organization
“We are here today to celebrate 10 years of providing empirical solutions to West Africa in the area of research, service provision and capacity building in Climate Change. We must be proud of what we have achieved, and I am convinced that we shall be guided by the stock we are taking at this institutional review, so we can build a stronger institution” He said.
Congratulating WASCAL on behalf of the German Ministry for Education and Research on its 10th anniversary, Dr. Karsten Hess, head of Climate Change Division at the ministry, expressed delight at the js strong partnership Germany has built with WASCAL over the years, and are proud of what they have achieved together.
“This achievements WASCAL is indeed the materialization of our long-term partnership with West Africa. We are proud of al the joint achievements, we would have loved to do more but we have together assume our responsibility vis-à-vis a world in permanent changing modus. a world facing more challenges. Since 2012, we have jointly invested a lot of time and energy and in particular our expertise in preparing its establishment. We went through a period of inception, a long period of turbulences, which led us to a wonderful period of consolidation. WASCAL.” He spoke.
The workshop brought together representatives of the various WASCAL community, including the governing board members, Scientific Advisory Committee members, Directors of the Graduate Studies Programme, Scientists, Management and staff of the organization.