

WASCAL has held a strategic meeting with its 12 Lead Universities in West Africa to strengthen the collaboration between the organization and Lead University Vice-Chancellors for sustainability.

The meeting which created a communication platform between the vice chancellors of the Lead Universities, WASCAL and the  German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) acknowledged the vice chancellors for their  comprehensive support to the Graduate Studies Programme of the organization over the years. The meeting also showcased the impact story of the entire WASCAL programme across all the universities in its quest to build capacities to combat Climate Change and improve livelihoods.

Delivering his opening statement, Professor Renee Haak of BMBF assured participants of the support of his ministry.

“Now we are planning to launch the 5th Batch of the programs with 130 new students for 2021 to 2025. In addition, we will create  6 new Master schools on Renewable Energies and in particular on Hydrogen power with a total number of 120 students per year – in 3 years 360 experts for West Africa on the field on Hydrogen which has become the alternative source of Energy for the World now.” He stated.

The Executive Director of WASCAL, Dr. Moumini Savadogo expressed a heartfelt gratitude to the Vice Chancellors for their continuous partnerships.

“It will excite you to know that most of our graduates are today doing excellently well in their various places of endeavours. They are making positive impact the world over and this can be conspicuously attributed to the quality education your universities are renowned for. You have indeed instilled uncompromising discipline, transferred unalloyed knowledge and provided the cutting-edge qualities that make them outstanding, wherever, and irrespective.

In his address, the Director of Capacity Building, Professor Daouda Kone, sought for the continuous collaboration from the vice chancellors s even as they prepared together to launch the 5th Batch of the Graduate Studies Programme.

He also announced the plans and preparations for the launch of application for the first batch of international master’s programme in Climate Change and Green Hydrogen.

The vice chancellors, in their various contributions, expressed gratitude to BMBF for supporting this unique programme. Intense discussions on moving WASCAL forward in a sustainable manner were successfully held.

Since 2012, WASCAL has worked with 12 West African Universities to provide free scholarships to well qualified scientists at post-graduate levels in different Climate related issues as well as strengthen the capacities of scientists and other actors in order to help the West African region develop suitable mitigation and adaptation strategies while combatting  climate change and improving livelihoods.