
WASCAL receives 230,000 EURO grant for climate change research for a three-year period

WASCAL’s APTE-21 project aims at exploring and exploiting the potential advantage of rainfall extremes for smallholder farming. In particular, the project strives to improve the production, access and use of local information about high-impact weather and climate events provided for family farms in Bakel (Senegal), Ouahigouya, Dano (Burkina Faso) and Bolgatanga (Ghana).

WASCAL’s APTE-21 project will use pro-active and participatory dissemination protocols such as “climate field schools”, community co-production, advisory and new technologies such as mobile phones, apps, and internet for providing agricultural-climatic information extensions. It will also build small on-farm infrastructure to alleviate negative impacts of rainfall extremes.

Capacity building of actors and exchange of experiences are key goals of the project. Therefore, APTE-21 project capitalizes on the achievements of previous projects and trains high school students, while promoting gender equity.

The APTE-21 project will be coordinated and implemented by WASCAL in collaboration with the Direction Generale de la Meteorologie (Burkina Faso), ANACIM (Senegal), ENDA-Energie (Niger), HydroScience Montpelier, CIRAD, LOCEAN and IRD (France).

For more information, please contact the Principal Investigator Seyni Salack, Senior Climate Scientist at the WASCAL Competence Center, 06 BP 9507 Ouagadougou 06, Burkina Faso, e-mail:, Tel: +226-25-37-54-29.