

WASCAL Ministerial Council has held its 4th biennial meeting that seeks to bring all ministers responsible for environmental, climate change renewable energy and higher education within the WASCAL member states in West Africa.

This year’s theme, “Enhancing West Africa’s scientific capacity towards accelerated climate action for sustainable development” seeks to create the platform for the ministers to discuss pertinent issues on WASCAL’s sustainability of impacts within West Africa in the Climate Change and Renewable Energy spaces.

Among the key highlights of the event was the official groundbreaking ceremony for the commencement of the Climate Change Competence Centre, that will serve as a hub for Africa’s scientific community. The seven million euros (€ 7,000,000) centre of excellence climate change and renewable energy services in Africa is funded by The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

This was contained in a speech by Dr. Stefan Kaufmann, in charge of Innovation Commissioner Green Hydrogen at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Member of Parliament

Per the constitution Ministerial Council is the highest Organ of the Institution and its meeting is geared towards deepening the relationships among the country members on one side and the German partner at the policy making levels.

In his open remarks, H.E. Mamoudou Djibo PhD, Minister of Higher Education and Research of The Republic of Niger and Chairman of WASCAL Council of Ministers H.E. Prof. Mamoudou Djibo expressed delighted at the progress and milestones of WASCAL in its quest to contribute to the United Nation’s sustainable development goal 13 on climate action.

“I want to congratulate the noble institution of WASCAL for its unique approach to tackling climate change. Obviously without research and building of capacities, fighting climate change will become meaningless. And to witness that WASCAL does this, not only in one country but across the West African sub-region, positions them as an international centre of excellence. Congratulations, once again. He stated.

“Two years ago, we gathered in Accra to take very critical decisions, review milestones and proceeded with strategic planning towards the sustainability of the institution. Today, I can confidently, say, at least, per what I have witnessed, that WASCAL continues to grow in leaps and bound. The signing of the Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen agreement and the commencement of the new phase of the Research Agenda are a testament of the success stories of this institution.” He emphasized.

Other event that took place was the graduation of WASACL first batch graduands of master’s Programme in Informatics for Climate Change as well as the official launching of the programme based in Burkina Faso.

The Council of Ministers is responsible for examining and approving the long-term programme of work of WASCAL regarding ensuring the conformity with the climate change policies prevailing in the Member States and to ensure its sustainability.