Impact of Land Surface Characterization on Regional Climate Modeling over West AfricaDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL
Merging historical data records with MPI – ESM – LR, CanESM2 , AFR MPI and AFR 44 scenarios to assess long – term climate trends for the Massili Basin in central Burkina FasoDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL
Evaluation of the onset and length of growing season to define planting date – A case study for Mali (West Africa)December 10, 2018By WASCAL
Population structure and regeneration status of Vitellaria Paradoxa (C. F. Gaertner) under different land management regimes in Atacora department, BeninDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL
Woody species diversity of Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn traditional agroforests under different land management regimes in Atacora district (Benin, Africa)December 10, 2018By WASCAL
Multi-scale participatory indicator development approaches for climate change risk assessment in West AfricaDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL
Modeling Flood Hazard Zones at the Sub-District Level with the Rational Model Integrated with GIS and Remote Sensing ApproachesDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL
Changes in Vegetation and Rainfall over West Africa during the Last Three Decades (1981-2010)December 10, 2018By WASCAL
Crop−climate ensemble scenarios to improve risk assessment and resilience in the semi-arid regions of West AfricaDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL
Evaluating the sequential masking classification approach for improving crop discrimination in the Sudanian Savanna of West AfricaDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL
Reducing soil CO2 emission and improving upland rice yield with no-tillage, straw mulch and nitrogen fertilization in northern BeninDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL
Improving soil quality and upland rice yield in northern Benin with no-tillage, rice straw mulch and nitrogen fertilizationDecember 9, 2018By WASCAL