Migration, Social Demands and Environmental Change amongst the Frafra of Northern Ghana and the Biali in Northern BeninDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Convergence between ANPP estimation methods in grasslands — A practical solution to the comparability dilemmaDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
How much climate change can pastoral livelihoods tolerate? Modelling rangeland use and evaluating riskDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Assessing hydrological and pro-visioning ecosystem services in a case study in Western Central BrazilDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Gender differences in land-use decisions: shaping multifunctional landscapes?December 11, 2018By WASCAL
Making use of the ecosystem ser-vices concept in regional planning—trade-offs from reducing water erosionDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
A Crop Model and Fuzzy Rule Based Approach for Optimizing Maize Planting Dates in Burkina Faso, West AfricaDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
Integration of Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Improving Crop Mapping in Northwestern Benin, West AfricaDecember 11, 2018By WASCAL
What role can crop models play in supporting climate change adaptation decisions to enhance food security in Sub-Saharan Africa?December 11, 2018By WASCAL
Spatial information and participation of socio-ecological systems: experiences, tools and lessons learned for land-use planningDecember 10, 2018By WASCAL