The WASCAL Research Action Plan (WRAP 2.0) is the current working agenda of the Competence Centre and is geared toward making the centre a full-service provision centre by delivering key demand-driven climate and environmental services to be taken up by policymakers and other stakeholders, including smallholders. Specifically, WRAP 2.0 seeks to (i) formulate and carry out demand-driven research for development-oriented outcomes as prioritized by WASCAL member states, and to establish WASCAL as a front-line West African climate service centre; (ii) generate sound, evidence-based knowledge and information, and devise tools, including software to support decision-making; and (iii) provide policy information and support for developing climate and environmental risk management, building resilient socio-ecological landscapes, and attaining sustainable agricultural production and food security.
WRAP 2.0 is based on five (5) interrelated Priority Research Themes (PRTs) that of regional relevance in West Africa: land use and land degradation (PRT 1), risk and vulnerability to climate extremes (PRT 2), rural-urban and cross-border migration (PRT 3), sustainable agriculture and climate smart landscapes (PRT 4), and renewable energy (PRT 5). This interrelationship is founded on the WASCAL Multidisciplinary Observation Networks and multi-stakeholder innovation platforms across West Africa. These PRTs, besides supporting ECOWAS’ priority programmes in environment and agriculture, will deploy necessary actions that contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 1 (End poverty), SDG 2 (End hunger), SDG 13 (Climate action), SDG 15 (Life on land).
Land Use and Cover / Land Degradation / Climate Change Nexus (PRT 1)
About PRT 1
- Objective
The objective of this priority research theme is to generate an updated and higher resolution West African time variant Land Use Land Cover (LULC) database (land units, plant functional types) along with their thermal and physical parameters to improve the representation of surface conditions in climate models and ultimately contribute to the development of a tailored dynamical vegetation model for the West African region.
- Deliverables
The overall deliverables of this PRT1 include:
- Present day land use/land cover/land degradation data at high resolution;
- Updated climate change projections for the region ;
- Coupled dynamical vegetation – climate model for West Africa ;
- Regional temperature and precipitation changes from new system 2030-2050 from Coupled Model Intercomparaison Project Phase 6 Regional Climate Projection (CMIP6 RCP) ;
- Assessment of changes in extremes (floods, dust events, heat waves) in 2030-2050.
Under this PRT, two research projects, which acronyms are CONCERT and LANDSURF, are being implemented in the framework of WASCAL Research and Actions Plan 2 (WRAP 2.0). These projects are conceived in line with the objectives and the expected deliverables of the PRT as stated above. More details on these two projects are given below.
The CONCERT (Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation options under climate and land use change in West Africa: A concerted regional modeling and observation assessment) project is being led by Professor Dr. Harald Kunstmann and Dr. Sina Berger from the Institute of Geography (IG) of the University of Augsburg (UoA) in Germany with support from the following experts.
- Dr. Ursula Gessner and Dr. Sarah Asam – German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Germany.
- Prof. Dr. Harry Vereecken and Dr. Roland Baatz – Institute of Bio- and Geosciences- Agrosphere, Germany.
- Dr. Gerald Forkuor – United Nations University, Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA), Accra, Ghana.
- Prof. Leonard K. Amekudzi and Dr. Emmanuel Quansah– Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana.
- Prof. Dr. Babatunde Rabiu and Dr. Christiana F. Olusegun – Centre for Atmospheric Research, National Space and Development Agency (CARNASRDA), Abuja, Nigeria
- Prof. Dr. Sanoussi Atta and Dr. Moussa Waongo– AGRHYMET Regional Centre, Niger.
Project Summary
Sub-Saharan Africa is currently experiencing rapid population growth, associated with a significant agricultural intensification. This causes, inter alia, environmental degradation, increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, soil erosion and biodiversity loss. Climate change (CC) exacerbates the vulnerability of the people by increasing temperatures, shifting precipitation regimes (rainy season onset and cessation changes), and altering drought and heavy precipitation risks. Accordingly, sustainable agriculture and food production under climate and land use (LU) change is a crucial factor in improving people’s livelihoods and maintaining peace in the region. Sustainable agriculture must not only be resilient to CC, but also needs to mitigate GHG emissions and increase carbon (C) sequestration in already degraded soils.
The aim of CONCERT is to identify emission mitigation options for the major greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), in parallel with improving food security. This will be tackled through (a) the extension of WASCAL’s current flux observation network, b) estimation and projection of GHG emission budgets for the region, using a fully-coupled regional climate-hydrology-dynamic vegetation model (Earth System Model, ESM), specifically adapted to the WASCAL region, and c) identification of LU options suitable for mitigating GHG emissions, increasing soil C stocks and improving food security for the West African Sudan savanna. This will be achieved by a unique concerted and intertwined observation and modeling strategy in CONCERT. The results will be jointly developed and iterated with stakeholders and communicated to policymakers of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for implementation.
Key deliverables of the CONCERT project.
1. An upgraded and maintained Observation Network;
2. Dataset of baseline CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions, dynamical soil moisture;
3. Dataset soil related parameters (C/N, soil organic C (SOC));
4. Dataset of soil moisture based on processed cosmic ray fields
5. Dataset of high resolution spatiotemporally continuous surface soil moisture based on bias corrected remotely sensed products for West Africa
6. Coupling between surface soil moisture and infiltration/runoff generation explored, and
7. Current and future drought, flood, erosion characteristics identified
- LANDSURF Project
The LANDSURF (Land surface processes as a determinant of climate change in Africa – scenarios, high-resolution modeling and development of a stakeholder data portal) project is being led by Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth from the Institute of Geography and Geology of the University of Würzburg in Germany with support from the following experts.
- Dr. Michael Thiel – Institute of Geography and Geology, University of Würzburg (UNIWUE-R)
- Dr. Torsten Weber and Dr. María Máñez Costa – Helmholtz-ZentrumGeesthacht, Climate Service Centre Germany, Hamburg (HZG-GERICS)
- Prof. Dr. Christopher Conrad – Institute of Geosciences and Geography, University of Halle-Wittenberg (UNIHAL)
- Dr. Benewinde Jean-Bosco Zoungrana – University Ouagadougou 1 Prof. Joseph Ki-Zerbo (UNIOUA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
- Dr. Gerald Forkuor – United Nations University (UNU), Accra, Ghana
- Dr. Imoleayo Ezekiel Gbode – Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), Akure, Nigeria
- Dr. Seydou B. Traore – AGRHYMET, Niamey, Niger
Project Summary
The planned project LANDSURF makes a substantial contribution to Priority Research Theme (PRT) 1 by developing the West African Earth System Model (WESM) for high-resolution longer-term transient climate change projections. The novel aspect of this regional climate model approach is the consideration of dynamic interactions between atmosphere and land-surface processes, including man-made land cover changes and land degradation, as well as between atmosphere and ocean. Additionally, the present proposal will give special attention to the end-users’ needs and will co-design the regional climate model approach taking these into consideration. Previous research has revealed the outstanding role of land cover characteristics and oceanic boundary conditions for climate variations and climate prediction in sub-Saharan West Africa. Combining atmosphere-ocean coupling with an interactive vegetation model within the same high-resolution regional modeling framework is unprecedented. It is expected that a new generation of more realistic climate change projections will be provided that serve as a scientific reference for more adequate adaptation measures across West African countries, for example included as part of the national climate instruments, such as the National Determined Contributions (NDCs), the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), or other more localized instruments.
The data and knowledge gained will be made available for and implemented in decision processes by African end-users by means of a three-stage approach. We aim at increasing the use of science based-results by: (1) data, tables and graphics of various practice-oriented indicators of climate change will be made accessible via an interactive, user-friendly and multilingual web portal for public use. (2) The EasyREMO approach will be used to construct a resource-optimized version of the WESM with easy-to-use interface to be run on a customary individual PC, e.g. for sensitivity studies and shorter-term scenario runs. (3) The full source code of the WESM will be implemented on the new high-performance computing facility of WASCAL in Ouagadougou for scientific use, further model development and longer-term scenario runs, e.g. in the framework of future national research initiatives in Africa. All three stages will be organized and co-designed in close cooperation with our African cooperation partners and accompanied by a series of participatory workshops and, when needed, capacity building measures tailored to various end-user groups.
Key deliverables of the LANDSURF project.
- Indicators of climate change relevant to land management and agriculture
- Statistical assessment of climate change signals and extremes
- High-resolution patterns of historical and future land cover changes
Focal point for PRT1: Dr. ObleNeya (, Regional Thematic Coordinator LULCLD Nexus Climate Change.
Risks and Vulnerability to Climate Extremes (PRT 2)
About PRT 2
The objective of this priority research theme is to harmonize and mainstream information on climate extreme events (with a focus on flood), vulnerability, potential risks as well as strategies to alleviate their effects. Specifically, we intend to develop tools and metrics to understand, quantify and mitigate present-day and future flood risks associated to intense precipitation events. Under this PRT, one research project, FURIFLOOD, is being executed under the supervision of Dr. Seyni Salack (, a senior scientist at the Competence Centre.
The FURIFLOOD (Current and future risks of urban and rural flooding in West Africa – An integrated analysis and eco-system-based solutions) Project is being led by Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Fink from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)’s Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK) in Germany with support from the following experts.
- Prof. Dr. K. Kokou – University of Lomé (Coordination)
- Prof. Dr. L. K. Amekudzi and Prof. Samuel Nii Odai – Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
- Dr Aristide BarthélémyAkpo, Prof. Dr. Julien Adounkpè and Dr Kossi François Guedje –University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin.
- Prof. Saïdou Moustapha Sall – University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal.
- Prof. Arsene T. Kobea, Dr. Vami Hermann N’guessanBi, Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny, Cote d’Ivoire.
Project Summary
The overarching goal of FURIFLOOD is an improved quantification of current and future extreme precipitation and flood risk in West Africa to underpin science-based decision making. FURIFLOOD will further internationalize the WASCAL graduate schools, establish WASCAL as a leading climate and environmental science-based service centre, and support the WASCAL countries in implementing and monitoring the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The following are the specific objectives:
- Objective 1: Compile a comprehensive catalogue of past extreme precipitation and flood events in West Africa. This will require (i) a careful evaluation of the information content provided by existing surface station and satellite estimates of rainfall, (ii) an assessment of the atmospheric dynamics of rainfall extremes, (iii) a collection and evaluation of relevant discharge data from international and national databases, and (iv) a synthesis of existing loss and damage data on floods in selected subregions.
- Objective 2: Compile a list of flood risk indicators including (i) point- and area-based extreme precipitation indices for selected river catchments, (ii) estimates of spatial extent, flow depth and intensity, and discharge during inundation events, and (iii) measures of exposure and vulnerability expanding on research in WASCAL-1.
- Objective 3: Assess future precipitation extremes and potential impacts on flooding based on statistically improved regional climate model scenarios (e.g. CORDEX, WASCAL-1), high-resolution pseudo-global warming case studies, flood computations using future precipitation extremes and the scenario-based projection of flood-related exposure and vulnerability.
- Objective 4: Develop a guidebook to plan and evaluate ecosystem-based and hybrid measures to reduce current and future flood risk.
- Objective 5: Develop a decision-maker platform through a participatory approach involving relevant stakeholders, building on project data and methods from FURIFLOOD.
Rural-urban and Cross Border Migration in West Africa (PRT 3)
About PRT 3
This priority research theme aims to obtain more insight into the unprecedented and unregulated rural exodus especially towards major urban agglomerations and across national borders. It specifically investigates the direction of causation in the link between population growth, land degradation, livelihood opportunities, climate change/climate variability and migration. Under this PRT, two research projects, MIGRAWARE and MiTra-Wa, are being executed under the supervision of Dr. Safietou Sanfo (, a senior scientist at the Competence Centre.
The MIGRAWARE (Rural-urban and cross-border MIGRAtion in West-Africa – an integrated assessment framework of drivers, processes and sustainable Responses) Project is jointly implemented by the following experts.
- Prof. Dr. Christine Fürst (lead expert) and Prof. Dr. Christopher Conrad – Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg, Germany
- CoKnow Consulting (Micro-SME; sub-contractor)
- Dr. Michael Thiel – Julius-Maximilian University Würzburg
- Dr. Hannes Taubenböck – DeutschesZentrumfürLuft- und Raumfahrt, Germany
- Mr. Frank Pietzsch – PiSolution GmbH, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Mahamadou Belem – University Nazi Boni, Burkina Faso
- Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kofi Nyarko – Cape Coast University, Ghana
- Dr. John KanburiBidzakin – CSIR Savanna Agricultural Research Institute, Ghana
- Stephen Kankam – Hen Mpoano (NGO), Ghana
- Dr. Mairo Muhammed – Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria
- Prof. Dr. AppolloniaOkhimamhe – WASCAL Doctoral Research Programme on Climate Change and Human Habitat, Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria
Project Summary
The goal of MIGRAWARE is to deliver a scientific-technological framework for assessing the processes, drivers and factors of rural-urban and cross-border migration in West Africa. MI-GRAWARE will suggest governance instruments suitable to alleviate migration needs, improve local livelihoods and sustain human-environmental interactions. The project intends to reveal the typical pathways and (hi)stories of migration that include the movement from poor hinterlands to urban conglomerations and other places so that governance instruments can be tailored for the local, national and intergovernmental (cross-boundary) level.
The science-technology-based outputs of the project will be a library-based opensource software (MIGRAWARE) for analyzing migration trends and drivers and two apps to support the collection of data on migration pathways and for citizen science-based approaches to record migration reasons. Scientific outputs will be mapping of migration trends responsive to multiple drivers with a focus on climate change and variability and suggestions of scale-sensitive governance instruments (including regulating, financial and community-based instruments) for reducing or alleviating migration. Syntheses will be provided on national level and will also address needs for intergovernmental approaches. Key addressee for the technical and scientific results will be WASCAL to improve the basis for science-services delivery, the MIGRAWARE software will be provided in a manner that enables a research community-based further development and use of the software to monitor, model and explore future migration trends as basis for governance recommendations. A hub considering the training of future decision makers and knowledge holders for climate-migration interactions will be FUT in Nigeria. A modular teaching and training programme for knowledge and skills in how to assess and manage the impacts of climate and global change on rural-urban and cross-boundary migration will be jointly developed and implemented. Elements of this can subsequently be transferred to other WASCAL graduation sites or be provided through remote teaching.
Progress beyond the state-of-the-art will be achieved through combining innovative IT-solutions with citizen science-based approaches that allow for a deeper understanding of how migration histories are grounded in climate-driven processes, social networks and support and information fluxes. These technologies and the related scientific assessments have potential to be widened to global migration trends since they allow to look not only on starting and arrival points, but also on the pathways in between, and on factors that force migrants to either remain or move again. MIGRAWARE will make use of data already gathered in WASCAL and bundled in WADI and intends to establish close networks to other WRAP2.0 projects so that the focus is laid on the scientific and technological advances to ensure the feasibility of providing the suggested outputs.
MiTra-WA Project
The MiTra-WA (Migration and Translocality in West Africa) Project is jointly implemented by the following experts under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Malte Steinbrink.
- Prof. Dr. Malte Steinbrink – LehrstuhlfürAnthropogeographie, Universität Passau, Germany
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Greiving – Institut fürRaumplanung, Technische Universität Dortmund (TUDO), Germany
- Prof. Dr. Joseph Teye – Centre for Migration Studies (CMS), University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
- Prof. Georges Campaore – Institut Superieur des Science de la Population (ISSP), Université de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
- Dr. Michael Poku-Boansi – Department of Planning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
- Dr. Olajide O. Adeola – Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ibadan (UI), Nigeria
Project Summary
The overall goal of this project is to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of West African rural migration towards urban agglomerations and across national borders, and in particular to focus on the interlinkages between population dynamics, environmental change and translocal livelihoods. The translocal nature of many households, i.e. that their members live in different localities but stay connected and move back and forth, is crucial for understanding the complex demographic and human-environment relationships in West Africa.
The project’s adoption of the translocal livelihood and mobility approach allows to capture and analyse the complex migratory movements and cross-spatial interactions of individuals, households and communities that are typical for West Africa.
The main research activities of the project are
- Empirically capture translocality, by conducting
- a comprehensive quantitative analysis of rural-urban mobilities in West Africa, the resulting urbanization and cross-border migration from a translocal perspective.
- case studies on translocal practices, structures and processes and the impacts of rural-urban interactions, particularly on the environment and land-use change.
- Translating translocality into development practice, by
- developing governance measures for countering the negative consequences of rural-urban migration and exploiting translocal opportunities to make translocal development possible.
- identification of project ideas and financing options for implementing the proposed measures.
- Enhancing the translocal awareness and the capacity of relevant stakeholders, policy-makers and planners to better respond to rural-urban migration challenges and foster sustainable translocal and rural development.
Besides the innovative translocal research approach (bi-local case studies) the project is also highly original because it uses fine-grained raster data on population changes and spatial expansion of urban areas for all of West Africa (1950-2010 time series) for conducting spatial and statistical regression analyses that also incorporate the climatological and agro-ecological data of WASCAL 1.0
All quantitative data generated by the project and the causal relationships uncovered in the case studies are ultimately incorporated in the WASCAL Earth System Model. It will thus be possible to produce more dynamic and integrated climate and land-use change scenarios that can be used for advising West African policymakers and other stakeholders.
Another major output of the project will be the completion of eight PhD dissertations that are conducted within the framework of the project. Furthermore, the partner universities will integrate the project’s findings into their existing university programmes so that the findings will for many years ‘trickle down’ into the professional work of their BSc and MSc graduates. This underlines the ambition of the project to not only deepen scientific understanding of the dynamics and impacts of translocal rural-urban interactions, but to enhance practitioners’ awareness and skills to make translocality work for development.
Sustainable Agriculture/Climate Smart Landscapes Nexus (PRT 4)
About PRT 4
The overall objective of this priority research theme is to improve food and nutrition security and livelihoods through sustainable intensification of agriculture while contributing to GHG mitigation efforts. Thus, PRT 4 seeks to address two main research questions: (1) How much does agriculture and land use change contribute to GHG emissions and how is this changing? (2) How can agricultural and land use change GHG emissions be reduced or soil carbon sequestration enhanced while maintaining and even increasing food supply? Under this PRT, one research project, GreenGaDe, is being executed under the supervision of Dr. Jesse Naab (, a senior scientist at the Competence Centre.
GreenGaDe Project
The GreenGaDe (Greenhouse Gas Determination in West Africa’s Agricultural Landscapes) Project is jointly implemented by a consortium of experts from the following institutions under the coordination of PD Dr. Anja Linstädter.
- PD Dr. Anja Linstädter (lead) – Institute for Crop Science and Resource Conservation University of Bonn, Germany
- Palmengarten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, 78.24 WissenschaftlicherDienst, Siesmayerstr. 61, 60323 Frankfurt am Main (PG), Germany
- Centre for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, UK
- Laboratory of Plant Biology and Ecology, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG), Kumasi, Ghana
- Institute for Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
- Radio-Isotopes Research Institute, Department of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, University Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger
Project Summary
The project GreenGaDe ‘‘Greenhouse Gas Determination in West Africa’s Agricultural Landscapes” aims to provide baseline data and predict the evolution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon stocks in the agricultural sector in West Africa. A consortium including four West African and three German institutions with specialists in agronomy, forestry, modelling, environmental chemistry, sociology and GHG inventories will use a multidisciplinary approach to build a consistent database at the local and regional level. Stakeholders from research institutes and governmental institutions will cooperate in the implementation of this project. The outputs of this project (maps, database, capacity building) will support West African countries to develop updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for reducing GHG emissions, and will help build climate change scenarios based on the dynamics of the agricultural sector. The overall goals of the project are to: (1) evaluate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon storage dynamics related to the agricultural sector at national and regional scales in West Africa; (2) guide national and regional climate change adaptation policies and strategies; and (3) develop strategies to accelerate the implementation of climate-smart agriculture approaches in smallholders farmers
Renewable Energy (PRT 5)
About PRT 5
The objective of this priority research theme is to provide a wide range of research and services portfolio in areas of energy efficiency, hydrogen energy, waste-to-energy, solar, wind, hydropower energy and their mixes. It provides science-based solutions to increase the adoption of renewable energy and innovative technologies under a changing climate. Under this PRT, several projects are being executed by a coordination team under the supervision of Dr.Bruno KORGO, a senior scientist at the Competence Centre.
H2 ATLAS-AFRICA project is the first phase of a joint initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and African partners in the Sub-Saharan region (SADC and ECOWAS countries) to explore the potentials of green hydrogen production from the enormous renewable energy sources within the sub-regions. The aim is to support sustainable and economic development through a viable hydrogen economy with a high potential to make Africa an exporter of green hydrogen, hence gaining even more relevance in international energy markets.
The H2 ATLAS-AFRICA project is focused on
- assessing the potential of generating hydrogen in sub-Saharan Africa from the renewable energy resources in the region.
- on detailed technological, environmental, economic and social feasibility assessment taking present and future local energy demands into consideration.
- assess the availability and suitability of land and water resources while taking into account land use for agriculture and local demand for water.
- PhD. Dr. Solomon Agbo ForschungszentrumJülich GmbH Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße | 52428 Jülich ;Tel.: +49 246 1611666; Email:
2. Kerstin Annassi; Project Management Juelich (PTJ) Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße | 52428 Jülich
Tel.: +49 246 1611983; Email:
- ForschungszentrumJülich GmbH Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße | 52428 Jülich Tel.: +49 246 1611666
- ForschungszentrumJülich GmbH (lead German partner and project coordinator), Germany
- West African Science Service Centre on Climate change and Adapted Land use (WASCAL), Accra Ghana,
- Southern Africa Science Service Centre for Climate change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL), Windhoek Namibia,
- Other associate partners include relevant German industries, the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) and the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE).
The overall aim of the project is to develop concepts for waste segregation and the conversion of various fractions into energy by using biogas, pyrolysis and solar PV plants through research and development and capacity development. This project is implemented in Ghana, and is expected to:
- Improve sanitation by converting the ever-increasing municipal solid waste into energy for productive uses and contribute to sustainable industrial development.
- Train high-level local experts in waste management and waste treatment technologies,
- Transfer proven waste treatment technologies in use in Germany to Ghana and West Africa countries.
- Build capacity of local experts to design, construct, and maintain a hybrid waste to energy facility.
- Improve sanitation by converting the ever-increasing municipal solid waste into energy for productive uses and contribute to sustainable industrial development.
- Train high-level local experts in waste management and waste treatment technologies,
- Transfer proven waste treatment technologies in use in Germany to Ghana.
- Build capacity of local experts to design, construct, and maintain a hybrid waste to energy facility
- Install a novel hybrid waste to energy treatment facility in Ghana that combines solar PV, biogas,and pyrolysis technologies to treat municipal solid waste and generate power.
- Provide a blueprint for the propagation of 10 additional waste to energy facilities in Ghana
- Contribute to Ghana’s climate change mitigation strategy.
- Contribute to the inclusion of renewable energy in Ghana’s electricity generation mix
Future planned projects within West Africa
WASCAL is indirectly involved via the coordination project renewable energy projects in West African countries. We can cite LOSENS 03SF0569 in Senegal, YESPV-NIGBEN 03SF0576 in Nigeria and Benin, EnerSHelf 03SF0567 in Ghana, RETO-DOSSO in Niger, APV-MaGa in Mali and Gambia, PeopleSun in Nigeria, CEWAG in Gambia, the biogas Lab