Dr. Seyni Salack

Senior Scientist

Dr. Seyni Salack is a Senior Research Scientist and the  Regional Thematic Coordinator  on Risks and vulnerability to climate extremes at the WASCAL Competence Centre in Burkina-Faso. He holds a PhD in climate and climatic impacts, and a master’s in Atmospheric Physics – Atmospheric, Oceanography and management of semi-aris areas.

Before joining WASCAL, he was a visiting research associate at the International Research Institute, IRI/Earth Institute of the Columbia University (USA). He gained great experiences from the   AGRHYMET Regional Centre (Niger), and the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Atmospheric Environmental Research of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany).

He has more than eighteen years of work experience in various climate adaptation, environment, and resilience projects, research & climate services, training & capacity building, and consultancy jobs in Africa. His fields of expertise include Multihazard Risk information, Multihazard early warning systems, anticipatory action and disaster risk reduction, climate variability & energy management nexus, near-surface weather/climate observation systems, rainfall estimation using microwave links, agricultural meteorology research and extensions, verification of numerical weather predictions, seasonal-to-sub-seasonal forecasts, and statistical methods in climate data analysis. He is the author and co-author of many publications in international peer-reviewed journals (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8zl00asAAAAJ), hundreds of conference talks, university lectureship, two Atlases (on the Sahel, Benin & Niger) and reviewer of many students’ theses (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Seyni_Salack).

He has developed several projects funded and implemented under his technical and managerial scrutiny between 2016 and 2021 including APTE-21 project (budget: €230,000; 2016-2018, IRD/MAEA), Co-PI for CIREG project (“Climate Information for Renewable Energy Generation”, leader of Work Package 2, budget for WP2: €505,800; 2018-2021; funding from ERA4CS/BMBF) and PI & Lead Coordinator for UPSCALERS project (“UPscaling Site-Specific Climate-smart Agriculture and Land-use practices to Enhance Regional Production Systems in West-Africa”, budget: $1,197,000; AUC, Research Grant No AURG II-1074-2016, 2018-2021), the I-CHANGE project (“Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition”, budget: 4.9 million Euro, EUC/EUH2020, 2021-2025), and the Network of Centres of Excellence in Disaster Risk Reduction (NoE, budget: 1.400,000 USD, UNDRR, 2023 & 2024).

He has proficiency in French, English, and Arabic.