Mrs. Pia Seidel
M - GermanyPia Seidel is the representative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research on WASCAL Governing board.
She holds a master’s and a bachelor’s degree in political science of the joint Franco-German dual degree programme in Political Science of Sciences Po, Lille and Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
Ms Seidel is with the Division for Global Change at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); She is in charge of Climate Research, WASCAL, Climate Modelling and EU Climate research.
Before joining this division within the same ministry, she was successively with the Division for Equal Opportunities in Education and Research and then with the division for policy issues, and internationalization strategy.
She also served at the German Commission for UNESCO
She reads, writes and speaks German, English, French, and Spanish.