
Populations, natural resources and rural resiliencies to climate change in the North Benin – Workshop

The workshop was organized around four main themes and aimed to give greater visibility to research activities of WASCAL in Benin and to stimulate discussions and exchange among researchers, local communities and authorities on strategies of resilience to environmental and climate changes.

The four themes of the workshop were:

Challenges of field research in the study of populations and environmental and climate change
Collected data documentary relationship on environmental/climate change and population dynamics in northern Benin
Rural resilience to Climate Change in the northern Benin
Local resilience actions versus interim results Restitution

Chaired by the representative of the municipality of Matéri, the workshop was opened by Adolphe Sétondji Avocanh, Coordinator of the Dassari Watershed. During his welcome speech he stressed the importance of a constructive exchange on climate change effects, population dynamics and the impact of these changes on existing natural resources. He further presented WASCAL and its objectives, its centers of interests and the role of the involved stakeholders.

Papa Sow (WASCAL, ZEF), who initiated the workshop, emphazised the importance of exchange between all invited actors for a better understanding of climate change and its impacts on natural resources in the region. He further outlied the workshop objectives and presented his research on climate change and population dynamics, where he and his team focus on social aspects of climate change with a perspective from the social sciences to find solution-oriented approaches to adverse effects related to climate and extreme natural events.

The workshop offered an opportunity to present and discuss the interim research results with the participants and to submit the interim results to critical examination. The participants gave valuable feedback and supported the research with additional information. After two days of debate the discussions among participants of the workshop diverged on to the possibility of an institutional partnership, writing scientific research projects under the umbrella of WASCAL and future collaborations between scientists, local populations and policy makers.

Organization Committee

Adolphe Sétondji Avocanh, WASCAL Coordination Unit of the Dassari watershed in Tanguiéta.
Email: a.avocanh(at)
Phones: 0022995151808 / 00229-97540798/ 00229-90987818

Jane Maureen Ngonjock
Email: janescorpy(at)

Yasmina Adebi, Téléphone: 0022997160464
Email: yadebi(at)

Scientific Committee

Papa Sow, Researcher, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn (Germany)
Boubacar Barry, Director of the WASCAL Competence Center, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
William Fonta, Researcher WASCAL Competence Center Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Karen Greenough, Researcher WASCAL Competence Center Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Daniel Callo-Concha, Researcher, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn (Germany)
Kiansi Yantibossi, Executive Secretary U-AVIGREF
N´Sera Midama Parfait, Head of Ecology Service, Pendjari National Park

For further information, please download the flyer or the program in English or French:

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Nouvelle expertise sur le Changement climatique en Afrique, l’apport du CCAFS

Le CCAFS Afrique de l’Ouest participe activement à la création de nouvelles compétences et expertises en Changement climatique en contribuant à la formation des étudiants ouest-africains en master et PhD

Le changement climatique constitue aujourd’hui l’une des plus graves menaces de notre époque. Ce phénomène est à la base de l’augmentation de la fréquence et de l’intensité des inondations, des sécheresses et des cyclones.

En Afrique de l’Ouest, on assiste à une baisse significative des récoltes, des pénuries d’eau, des crises sanitaires accrues avec pour conséquence une insécurité alimentaire croissante.

Afin de développer des technologies, pratiques, approches, outils d’adaptation pour atténuer ces changements climatiques, il faut se baser sur des connaissances et informations scientifiques qui malheureusement font souvent défaut en Afrique de l’Ouest. Il faut donc des compétences en qualité et en quantité dans le domaine pour générer, partager, former et permettre leur utilisation de manière efficiente. Pour ce faire, il est plus que nécessaire de renforcer les capacités existantes mais aussi et surtout de développer de nouvelles compétences et expertises sur la science du climat en lien avec tous les secteurs, notamment ceux de l’agriculture et de la sécurité alimentaire.
Créer une nouvelle expertise en Changement climatique en Afrique de l’Ouest

Une autre façon de contribuer à la lutte contre le Changement climatique est de former une expertise capable de prendre les choses en main et de proposer de nouvelles alternatives. Convaincu de cela, le CCAFS Afrique de l’Ouest apporte régulièrement sa contribution à la formation des étudiants de divers programmes universitaires.

C’est ainsi que le chef de programme du CCAFS Afrique de l’Ouest, le Dr Robert Zougmoré a donné un cours de 30 heures sur « Agriculture intelligente face au climat : une approche pour renforcer la capacité d’adaptation des systèmes de production agricole » à 23 étudiants de divers pays africains inscrits en Mastère Changement Climatique et Développement Durable du Centre régional AGRHYMET.

Il a également donné une conférence sur « L’agriculture intelligente face au climat: Actions pour réduire la vulnérabilité de l’agriculture au changement climatique ». Au sommaire de la conférence ; les défis majeurs pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les scenarios futurs, les éventuelles solutions pour les petits producteurs ouest-africains et des cas de succès d’Agriculture intelligente face au climat.

Cette conférence a été organisée par le Centre Régional AGRHYMET en collaboration avec le Programme Alliance Mondiale contre le Changement Climatique (AMCC).

En plus du personnel et des étudiants du Centre Régional AGRHYMET, cette conférence a connu la participation d’une cinquantaine de personnes, dont des invités de l’Ambassade de France, de l’ICRISAT, de l’Université Abdou Moumouni et de l’ONG Karkara, etc.

Puis ce fut le tour des étudiants en master changement climatique et énergie du programme WASCAL hébergé par la Faculté des sciences et techniques de l’Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey. Là ce fut 10 étudiants venant de dix pays de la CEDEAO qui ont pendant une semaine, reçu le cours en anglais sur le changement climatique et l’agriculture (Climate-Smart Agriculture: an approach to strengthen the adaptive capacity of agricultural production systems).
Ce n’était pas un événement isolé puisque c’est la deuxième fois que le chef de programme du CCAFS Afrique de l’Ouest contribue à la formation des étudiants du programme WASCAL (West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use). Il a donné en effet un cours en 2013 sur le changement climatique et l’agriculture et un autre sur les flux d’énergie dans les systèmes de production agricole (Energetics of Production Systems (Energy Flows) visant à renforcer l’expertise de 10 étudiants en PhD du programme WASCAL coordonné par l’IPR/IFRA (Mali) et l’Université Cape Coast (Ghana)

En fait le CCAFS Afrique de l’Ouest et WASCAL développent un partenariat fructueux à travers lequel les deux programmes collaborent pour mener des recherches sur le climat, le renforcement des capacités et le partage des données et des informations scientifiques sur la question du changement climatique dans l’agriculture.

Par conséquent, les deux programmes ont décidé d’utiliser les sites de recherche du CCAFS pour mener des recherches et des études par les étudiants WASCAL, de renforcer l’expertise existante du CCAFS pour élaborer des programmes de l’université pour les divers programmes de maîtrise et de thèses.

Certains des étudiants mènent leur travail de terrain sur les sites du CCAFS comme c’est le cas de Siaka Dembélé, un étudiant doctorant de WASCAL dont le thème porte sur “Le développement de technologies de production pour des conditions de sécheresse : le cas du sorgho” à Cinzana, le site CCAFS au Mali.

Autant de plateformes pour former les étudiants et en faire des spécialistes avertis.

Il faut également tenir compte des aspects sur l’importance du développement de capacités et d’expertise en changement climatique pour bien de domaines dans les pays : mainstreaming du changement climatique dans les stratégies et plans de développement agricoles, développement d’outils et de technologies d’adaptation efficaces aussi bien pour le court, moyen et long termes, génération de connaissances et informations scientifiques devant soutenir des prises de décision bien informées, réalisation de simulations et de scénarios pouvant aider dans la prévention et la gestion des risques et des catastrophes liées à la variabilité et au changement climatique, etc.

Robert Zougmoré est le chef du programme CCAFS pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest

Sékou Touré est Chargé de communication pour le programme CCAFS Afrique de l’Ouest

ReHCONS Workshop: Connecting West Africa’s Meteorological and Hydrological Services in a Regional Observation Network

Approximately 80 experts from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, research institutions and universities of the WASCAL mandate region participated in the workshop. The workshop was opened by Dr. Laurent Sédogo, Executive Director of WASCAL, Dr. Dr. Dietrich Pohl, Ambassador of the German Embassy in Ouagadougou, and Prof. Filiga Michel Sawadogo, Minister of Secondary, Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Currently, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NHHS) face many challenges to maintain their data collection stations and to provide conclusive meteorological and hydrological data. The network density of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services is low in many West African countries and below standards recommended by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Frequent failures in equipment lead to gaps in the data records. The NMHS stated problems concerning data archiving, quality control and analysis including deficiencies in staff number (mostly affected by personnel retirement) and capacity building.

Dr. Laurent Sédogo, Executive Director of WASCAL, stressed the importance of working together in the effort to combat climate change: “It is only together that we can handle the issue of climate change. Not every single country has the scientific capacity, the human capacity, and the technical capacity to tackle climate change. For the northern countries climate change may be a scenario of the future, but we in West Africa, we already live the reality of climate change.” “WASCAL aims to assess, connect and enhance the existing national observation networks”, explains Dr. Boubacar Barry, director of the WASCAL Competence Center. “Such cooperation would benefit all participants.” WASCAL will provide the networks with a number of stations to fill the gaps in the network. Training of staff members will further contribute to a successful running of the stations. WASCAL’s data infrastructure will serve as a shared dissemination platform. Based on the data provided by the national services, WASCAL in return will be able to improve models, climate change scenarios and offer climate service to stakeholders for the West African region.

The workshop followed two regional workshops organized by WASCAL in August 2010 during which the Directors and representatives of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services presented the history and the current situation of their respective organizations, on tasks, weaknesses and strengths as well as their expectations of how WASCAL can support and strengthen the West African observation networks on climate and water resources. “Following up with the results from the workshops in 2010, we now established a timeline and agreed on a communique to line out the further steps towards the establishment of the Regional Hydro-Climate Observation Network. Another important result was the drafting of a joint Data Sharing Policy, which regulates the rights and regulations concerning data exchange” summarized Dr. Mouhamadou Bamba Sylla, Coordinator of the WASCAL Observation Networks.


Coordinator Observation Networks: Dr. M. B. Sylla, sylla.b(at), syllabamba(at)

Press and Public Relations: Jelana Vajen, press(at)

ReHCONS Workshop: Connecting West Africa’s Meteorological and Hydrological Services in a Regional Observation Network

From 22-24 January, 2015, the WASCAL Competence Center in Ouagadougou held a workshop to discuss the set-up of a Regional Hydro-Climate Observation Network (ReHCONS) in West Africa for long-term climate data collection and analysis. Aside from representatives of WASCAL, the workshop was attended by the directors and representatives of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS), as well as those of universities and research institutions from the WASCAL member countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo. WASCAL seeks to improve the quality of the information provided by the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services of the member countries by connecting regional partners in a hydro-meteorological data collection and infrastructure network process.

Approximately 80 experts from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, research institutions and universities of the WASCAL mandate region participated in the workshop. The workshop was opened by Dr. Laurent Sédogo, Executive Director of WASCAL, Dr. Dr. Dietrich Pohl, Ambassador of the German Embassy in Ouagadougou, and Prof. Filiga Michel Sawadogo, Minister of Secondary, Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Currently, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NHHS) face many challenges to maintain their data collection stations and to provide conclusive meteorological and hydrological data. The network density of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services is low in many West African countries and below standards recommended by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Frequent failures in equipment lead to gaps in the data records. The NMHS stated problems concerning data archiving, quality control and analysis including deficiencies in staff number (mostly affected by personnel retirement) and capacity building.

Dr. Laurent Sédogo, Executive Director of WASCAL, stressed the importance of working together in the effort to combat climate change: “It is only together that we can handle the issue of climate change. Not every single country has the scientific capacity, the human capacity, and the technical capacity to tackle climate change. For the northern countries climate change may be a scenario of the future, but we in West Africa, we already live the reality of climate change.” “WASCAL aims to assess, connect and enhance the existing national observation networks”, explains Dr. Boubacar Barry, director of the WASCAL Competence Center. “Such cooperation would benefit all participants.” WASCAL will provide the networks with a number of stations to fill the gaps in the network. Training of staff members will further contribute to a successful running of the stations. WASCAL’s data infrastructure will serve as a shared dissemination platform. Based on the data provided by the national services, WASCAL in return will be able to improve models, climate change scenarios and offer climate services to stakeholders in the West African region.

The workshop followed two regional workshops organized by WASCAL in August 2010 during which the directors and representatives of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services presented the history and the current situation of their respective organisations, on tasks, weaknesses and strengths as well as their expectations of how WASCAL can support and strengthen the West African observation networks on climate and water resources. “Following up with the results from the workshops in 2010, we established a timeline and agreed on a communique to outline the further steps towards the establishment of the Regional Hydro-Climate Observation Network. Another important result was the drafting of a joint Data Sharing Policy, which regulates the rights and regulations concerning data exchange” summarised Dr. Mouhamadou Bamba Sylla, Coordinator of the WASCAL Observation Networks.

Projektseite WASCAL

Studieren in Togo – Eine Erfahrung fürs Leben

Commitment to the implementation of natural resources management policies in Africa will help in enhancing the contribution of natural resources to the continent’s

This was one of the key messages in the closing remarks of the Director of the United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA), Dr. Elias T.Ayuk, at a book launch event organised by the Institute in Accra.

Dr. Ayuk observed that there is a continuum of six I’s (ideas, innovation, incentives, institutions,infrastructure and implementation), which need to be addressed to promote development in Africa.

Citing the agricultural sector as an example, he emphasised the need for innovative ideas and technologies in processing food crops for domestic consumption and exports. He, however, acknowledged that incentives would boost innovations, and appealed to African governments and other stakeholders to help promote productivity of the agricultural sector with adequate financial support that target small and medium-size enterprises.

Dr. Ayuk stressed the need for strong institutions and massive infrastructure development to promote the growth of many African countries.

“Africa really needs strong leadership and infrastructural improvement at all levels to accelerate growth. We need to enhance capacity at our institutions to improve efficiency and expand our market infrastructure to promote export,” Dr. Ayuk reiterated.

The books launched by the Institute at the event are entitled “Economic and Financial Analyses of Small and Medium Food Crop Agro-Processing Firms in Ghana” and Harnessing Land and Water Resources for Improved Food Security and Ecosystem Services in Africa”.

The first book “Economic and Financial Analyses of Small and Medium Food Crop Agro-Processing Firms in Ghana” reports on a research project that analysed agro-processing firms’ economic situations in Ghana.

Findings from the study revealed that the agro-processing subsector in Ghana is characterised by high informality with lack of business planning, poor financial records keeping and financial analysis, and absence of risks and performance monitoring. High interest rate of loans is also identified as one of the factors limiting the profitability of agro-processing firms.

One of the policy options explored in the book is the development of customised innovative and inclusive financial products and services to meet the specific needs of micro, small and medium food crops processing enterprises to improve their profitability. It also proposes increased awareness on quality control and standardization as well as capacity development as potential strategies to promote the growth of the agro-processing sub-sector.

The second book “Harnessing Land and Water Resources for Improved Food Security and Ecosystem Services in Africa” is a compilation of research papers that draw attention to the impact of human activities on land and water resources. Issues such as wastewater management, water pollution,land degradation, massive land acquisition, and climate change impact on food security were discussed in the book. Among the potential policy directions, the book calls for the provision of alternative livelihoods such as the promotion of aquaculture, recycling of agro-wastes for biofuel and soil amendment measures to halt land degradation and water pollution in Africa.

Commenting on the two books at the launch, the Director of Agri-business of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), Ghana, Mr. Nicholas Neequaye, called for more private sector partnerships to address issues of post-harvest losses, land degradation and water pollution in Africa. He said “we must admit that addressing these challenges properly calls for private sector partnership to complement Governments’ efforts”.

The production of these knowledge products, according to the UNU-INRA Director is to provide empirical evidence for policy makers and other stakeholders on the state of natural resources in Africa. This, he indicated, is in line with the Institute’s mandate to promote thsustainable use of natural resources in Africa, for development.

UNU-INRA’s work centres on Africa’s two most important endowments — its human and natural resources. It aims at strengthening capacities at universities and other national institutions to conduct research and produce well-trained individuals with the ability to develop, adapt and disseminate
technologies that promote the sustainable use of the continent’s natural resources. UNU-INRA operates out of its main office at the University of Ghana campus. It has also established operating units (OUs) at the University of Cocody, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia, University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia, and Institute for
Food Technology (ITA) of the Ministry of Mines and Industry in Dakar, Senegal.

Photo from left to right: Prof. Emmanuel Owusu-Bennoah, Professor, College of Agriculture & Consumer Sciences,University of Ghana and member of UNU-INRA Advisory Board, Dr. Laurent Sedogo, Director, WASCAL, Mr. Nicholas Neequaye, Director of Agribusiness,(MoFA) and Dr. Elias. T. Ayuk, UNU-INRA Director.


The WASCAL Master Programme on Climate Change and Human Security


The WASCAL Master programme supports and facilitates academic instruction on the links between climate change and human security in West Africa. The program is hosted at the University of Lomé, in association with UNU-EHS as a counterpart institution to offer students an integrated learning environment. Students acquire the necessary skills to qualify them as disaster and risk management specialists on climatic risks based on relevant background knowledge in meteorology, geosciences, social sciences, health, economics, institutions, law and policy.

Upon completion of their study, students are expected to be able to:

Analyze, with scientific tools and methods, the threats and climatic risks societies or communities face;
Synthesize knowledge regarding integrated management strategies for climate change, specifically to improve human security;
Offer adaptation options, strategies and plans to deal with climate change at multiple scales;
Assist communities in dealing with climate change by implementing integrated adaptation and mitigation strategies.

UNU-EHS provides the scientific expertise in vulnerability and risk assessment frameworks and methodologies, along with insights into ongoing research activities and outcomes. Furthermore, UNU-EHS, together with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Regional Office for West and Central Africa (UNOCHA ROWCA) and the Togolese Red Cross, train students in the use of geospatial technologies, such as Remote Sensing and GIS for applications in the area of disaster risk reduction and emergency response preparedness.

OUR CLIMATE: THINK.ACT.CHANGE! – Inauguration of the Climate Change Awareness Park for Children

The Mmofra Foundation Climate Change Awareness Park for Children was inaugurated by the Minister of Lands and Mineral Resources of Ghana, Mr. Nii Osah Mills, in presence of the ambassador of Germany in Ghana, Mr. John Ruediger, the Executive Director of WASCAL, Dr. Laurent Sedogo, the Chairperson of the Mmofra Foundation Board of Directors, Mr. Christian Reindorf, the Director of the Foundation, Prof Esi Sutherland, a representative of the British High Commission in Ghana and several other personalities.
Education is an essential element of the global response to climate change. It helps young people understand and address the impact of global warming. In view of the above, the German Embassy in Ghana funded a Climate Change Awareness and Education project developed by Mmofra Foundation in collaboration with WASCAL MRP Climate Change Education / University of The Gambia. The Project seeks to extend the impact of Mmofra Foundation’s unique community children’s park and to give the students of the WASCAL MRP Climate change and education hands-on experience in the area of education and awareness raising concerns on climate change.

In his address during the ceremony, Dr. Sedogo expressed WASCAL’s appreciation to the Germany embassy for funding and giving the opportunity to students to have a hands on experience and support their journey to raise the awareness of younger generations. He also mentioned that the initiative also provided WASCAL a platform to extend its activities to the broader community through partnership with a nongovernmental organization – the Mmofra Foundation. During the ceremony, the children actively participated in the amusement and entertainment of the audience through performance of sketch which were very educative and informative.
The exhibition for the climate change awareness park for children was officially launched by the Hon.Minister. The items displayed for the exhibition were conceptualized by the WASCAL students. They also served as the facilitators and guides throughout the exhibitions. The things that were displayed at the exhibition were in a chronological order in which visitors moved from the general information about the climate to the causes, effects, adaptation, mitigation and the way forward of climate change. The last two features to be seen were the aquaponics and the biofuel toilet. The project climate change awareness park for children which has been officially launched will contribute to raise public awareness especially children on climate change. It is of great importance that the child, future leader be aware that when the last tree dies the last man will die.

By the students MRP & Climate Education, UTG.


Dr. Musa Sowe
Director Master’s Research Program Climate Change and Education
Email: msowe(at)

First Master Students Graduated in Climate Change and Human Security at the Univesity of Lomé

Akangoa R. Abora, Olusegun Adeyemi Adegbile, Idelbert Dagbegnon Behanzin, Mahamadou M. Dicko, Agossou Gadedjisso-Tossou, Malan Ketcha Kablan, Abravi Essenam Kissi, Issoufou Liman Harou, Diouf Ousmane Sane, and Abroulaye Sanfo successfully completed the program. The students who participated in the truly international program come from Togo, Niger, Nigéria, Mali, Bénin, Côte d’Ivoire, Sénégal, Burkina Faso, and Ghana.

The graduation ceremony was honored by the attendance of Mrs. Dzifa Ama Gameti who represented the Ministry of Higher Education and Research of Togo. The president of the University of Lomé and member of the WASCAL Governing Board Prof. Messanvi Gbeassor, Dr Laurent Sédogo, Executive Director of WASCAL and Prof. Kouami Kokou, Director of the Master Program Climate Change and Human Security expressed their gratitude to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the national and international partners who support the program. „We are well equipped and well qualified to apply tools and methodologies for assessing the impacts of climate change on populations to ensure human security and the fight against the negative and harmful effects of climate change on their business activities and other.“ said Abravi Essenam Kissi.

The Master Program Climate Change and Education started in November 2012. The second batch of students started course work in 2013.


Prof. Kouami Kokou,
Director of the Master Program Climate Change and Human Security

WASCAL‘s first graduates – Ten students successfully completed their Master‘s degree in Climate Change and Adapted Land Use at FUT-Minna

Thirteenth (13th) October 2014 will remain a ‘memorable day’ in the history of WASCAL CC & ALU hosted by the Federal University of Technology, Minna. The MRP scored a big first in the WASCAL programme….sending forth the first set of WASCAL graduates into the research community to give back to the world after the huge investment on them as scientists. Two years of hard work finally paid off.

Our August dignitaries graced the occasion. Prof Musbau A. Akanji (the Vice Chancellor of the Federal University of Technology, Minna) and his team of Principal Officers received the guests which comprised the Honorable Minister of Environment of Nigeria, who was very unavoidably absent but ably represented by Dr Jare Adejuwon, the Director of Climate Change Department in the Ministry; the German Ambassador to Nigeria who was ably represented by Mr Dirk Schulz; Chairman of WASCAL Board (Prof Haidara), WASCAL Board member representing Nigeria and Second Vice Chairman (Prof Osuntogun); Executive Director and his team (Dr Sedogo, Ouattara and Mr Ofori); The Vice Chancellor of FUTA ably represented by Prof Bayo Omotosho; representatives of our two German Partner Universities (Dr Thiel and Mrs Boutros, who is also the GRP/MRP Coordinator of WASCAL); members of WASCAL CC&ALU International Regional Advisory Board comprising Prof Bayo Omotosho (Director WACS FUTA), Dr Eric Forkuo (representing KNUST), Dr Georges Abbey (representing University of Lome), Mrs Christine K (from HBF representing the Civil Society), Dr Jare Adejuwon (representing Focal Ministry); members of FUT Minna Advisory Board led by the Dean of Postgraduate School, Prof (Mrs) Stella Zubairu; staff and students of WASCAL and representatives of the Press.

The ‘big day’ tagged WASCAL DAY commenced with the ceremony marking the graduation of the 2012/2013 Batch of WASCAL CC &ALU students. While the sponsoring Ministry in Germany, BMBF was showered with gratitude for the foresight demonstrated through the WASCAL programme, congratulatory and encouraging messages were passed on to the students to be worthy Ambassadors of WASCAL. The commitment of the Nigerian Government to the successful implementation of WASCAL was emphasized by the Honourable Minister’s representative. To add glamour to the occasion, the traditional dancers, Gwape Troupe, invited to entertain the guests decided to invite dignitaries to the ‘shake body’ to the entertaining music. From there, the newly completed WASCAL CC & ALU building was commissioned. The guests were introduced to WASCAL by the Director CC & ALU at the reception, while along the corridors of this simple but beautiful building, A0 Size posters were exhibited showcasing the students’ research. Each student stood beside his/her poster to explain the content to the guests. During the luncheon organized to round up activities for the day, three students were recognized and presented with personalized plaques: Mr SANOGO, Karamoko (Most improrved student); Miss KIMA, Sophie A. (Best Research); and Mr ADENLE, Ademola Andrew (The Overall Best Student). The 2012/2013 Batch of WASCAL CC & ALU graduates have since left for their various countries as the very first ALUMNI of the programme. The Director of CC&ALU gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the University Management, guests and WASCAL staff and students to the success of the WASCAL DAY in FUT Minna.

Read more on the event at


Dr. Appollonia Okhimamhe
Director of the Master Research Program Climate Change and Adapted Land Use
Associate Professor of Geography
Head, Department of Geography
Federal University of Technology,
PMB 65, Niger State, NIGERIA
Email: aimiosino(at)

Mesurer la pluviométrie grâce à la téléphonie mobile

Lecture rapide

La technologie mise au point par une équipe internationale de chercheurs, repose sur certaines particularités connues des ondes électromagnétiques
Elle permet de mesurer la pluviométrie avec une plus grande efficacité que les outils traditionnels utilisés par la plupart des pays africains
De nombreuses applications sont envisagées, notamment dans le secteur agricole.

Par: Mathieu Bonkoungou

Une équipe de chercheurs du Laboratoire de Matériaux et Environnement (LAME) de l’Université de Ouagadougou, en collaboration avec des chercheurs de l’Institut français de Recherche et de Développement (IRD) vient de mettre au point une technique permettant de mesurer la pluviométrie, en se basant sur des informations recueillies par les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile, dans la transmission du signal entre deux pylônes.

Les résultats de l’étude menée au Burkina ont été publiés en juillet dernier dans la revue “Geophysical Research Letters”.

François Zougmoré, professeur titulaire de physique à l’université de Ouagadougou et directeur du LAME, les étudiants doctorants Ali Doumounia et Modeste Kacou, Frédéric Cazenave, ingénieur de recherche au Laboratoire d’études des transferts en hydrologie et environnement à Grenoble et à l’IRD et leur collaboratrice, Marielle Gosset, du Laboratoire Géosciences Environnement de Toulouse, sont partis du principe connu de l’atténuation du signal hertzien par les gouttes d’eau.

“Quand une onde dans sa propagation rencontre des gouttelettes d’eau, même la vapeur (mais l’action est plus visible avec les gouttelettes d’eau), il y a une partie qui est absorbée, c’est-à-dire prise par la matière qui est traversée, une autre partie est réfléchie, c’est-à-dire diffusée, et une troisième est transmise”, explique François Zougmoré.

“En général, la partie qui est transmise est d’un point de vue de la puissance, plus faible que la partie incidente”, poursuit le chercheur.

“Au niveau des opérateurs de télécommunication, l’action de la pluie est suivie avec attention. Entre deux pylônes, ils mesurent de façon régulière et systématique la puissance qui a été émise et la puissance qui a été reçue. Entre le moment où ils envoient et le moment où ils reçoivent, ils ont le temps de mesurer et de voir, s’il y a eu un abaissement ou une diminution importante de la puissance. Si la puissance diminuée est importante et ne permet pas une bonne réception, les opérateurs réajustent en augmentant la puissance, afin de permettre la poursuite ou la continuité de la réception par les abonnés.”

Ces mesures systématiques permettent de pouvoir remonter et de trouver la quantité d’eau qui a perturbé l’onde.

Le travail des chercheurs repose donc sur la capacité de trouver la quantité de pluie tombée, en partant de l’atténuation de l’onde.

L’un des avantages que présente cette innovation est qu’il est plus fiable que les pluviographes utilisés par les services de la météorologie, au niveau national.

“Ces fluviographes ne présentent que 400 cm2 comme surface de captation. Il faudrait donc placer une quantité énorme de pluviographes pour savoir la quantité d’eau tombée sur une grande superficie et la météorologie nationale n’en a pas les moyens”, explique encore François Zougmaré.

Les pylônes de la téléphonie mobile couvrent densément le territoire, même les zones les plus reculées du pays.

La compagnie de téléphonie mobile Telecel avec laquelle les chercheurs ont collaboré pendant la durée de l’étude dispose d’un pylône tous les 30 km.

Sur cette distance, les chercheurs ont pu savoir quelle est la quantité de pluie tombée, vu que l’onde aura parcouru cette distance et c’est sur cette distance que l’intégration est effectuée.

Les autres méthodes, le radar et le satellite, sont certes précis, mais hors de prix pour la plupart des pays africains.

Quant aux applications qui pourraient résulter de cette découverte, les chercheurs sont intarissables.

Un atout pour l’agriculture

En menant l’étude, l’objectif principal des chercheurs était de mettre à des données fiables et gratuites sur la pluviométrie à la disposition des chercheurs, pour la réalisation de modèles hydrologiques et des médecins qui travaillent sur le paludisme, afin de leur permettre de prendre en compte les problèmes de paludisme dans certaines régions affectées par les inondations.

L’étude avait également pour objet de permettre aux décideurs d’avoir des données pluviométriques fiables susceptibles de leur permettre de prendre les dispositions idoines en cas d’inondation.

Pour Modeste Kacou, étudiant en thèse de physique de l’atmosphère, “l’objectif visé est d’arriver à améliorer les connaissances sur les différents systèmes pluvieux, afin de mettre en place à court ou moyen terme, des systèmes d’alerte qui permettraient de réduire l’impact des phénomènes météorologiques sur les populations”.

Selon Ali Doumounia, la technique permet également de localiser rapidement les poches de sécheresse annonciatrices de déficits céréaliers.

“Nous sommes dans la zone sahélo-sahélienne et environ 78% de la population burkinabé ne vivent que de l’agriculture pluviale. Donc quantifier la pluie pourra permettre à ces populations d’aborder un peu plus tôt la saison des pluies, explique le chercheur, dont la thèse porte sur le sujet de la quantification de la pluie à partir des liens hertziens.

“Nous connaissons l’importance de l’eau pour un pays agricole comme le Burkina Faso. Il est bon de savoir la quantité d’eau tombée pour le remplissage des barrages hydro-électriques et pour faire des prévisions. Et même pour le changement climatique. Pour pouvoir faire des projections, il faut avoir des informations fiables et donc actuelles. Si nous arrivons donc à donner des informations fiables sur les quantités de pluies, nous pourrons sur cette base avoir de meilleures projections par rapport au modèle climatique.”

Les chercheurs estiment que technologie mise au point pourrait également être intégrée dans les services météorologiques d’autres pays africains.

“Il n’y en a pas beaucoup qui ont des radars, alors qu’ils sont couverts par la téléphonie mobile. Par exemple la compagnie Airtel couvre à elle seule 85% du territoire africain. Donc si Airtel livre déjà les données qu’elle a en sa possession, cela pourrait être suffisant pour donner des informations sur cette étendue. Nous ne comptons pas garder cette innovation pour nous”, explique le chercheur.

Les initiateurs envisagent du reste de former des membres des services météorologiques du Mali, du Niger et du Togo, entre autres, pour qu’ils apprennent à utiliser le dispositif afin de réaliser des cartes des précipitations et aident à la prévision et à la prévention des risques d’inondation de famine”.

Opérationnaliser au plus vite

Mais pour que cette innovation donne la pleine mesure de ses capacités, il faut l’opérationnaliser.

Selon François Zougmoré, si cette technique venait à être opérationnalisée, “un paysan sur son téléphone portable, pourrait interroger une base de données et savoir quelle est la quantité de pluie qui vient de tomber.”

“Nous ne faisons pas de prévision, mais nous donnons la quantité de pluie mesurée. Les paysans attendent parfois la pluie pour semer. L’information sur les quantités de pluie pourra leur permettre de prendre la bonne décision et de gérer leur saison, mais c’est l’opérationnalisation qui permettra cela. Si on a les informations, on les traitera au jour le jour et cela sera possible en temps réel.”

Selon le chercheur, l’aspect scientifique est réglé, il reste à passer à l’opérationnalisation et cette phase pourrait être sponsorisée par un opérateur ou des autorités politiques.

Ali Doumounia insiste pour sa part sur les avantages de la technique: “Elle est très avantageuse. Elle ne nécessite pas de coût pour les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile ni pour les laboratoires. Nous avons juste besoin des moyens techniques et de personnes bien décidées pour la mettre en œuvre.

Les chercheurs lancent donc un appel aux compagnies de téléphonie mobile opérant sur le continent afin qu’elles coopèrent et mettent les données sur l’affaiblissement de leurs signaux à leur disposition.
L’opération, insistent-ils, n’a aucune incidence sur le réseau et ne provoque aucune perturbation.

Pour la mise en œuvre de cette technologie, un consortium a été mis en place comprenant l’université de Ouagadougou, le West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), l’IRD, le Karlsruhe Institute of Technology et Garmisch-Partenkirchen en Allemagne.
Ces différentes entités font partie de Rain Cell Burkina, précurseur de Rain Cell Africa.

En novembre prochain, un premier atelier sera organisé à Ouagadougou sur la quantification de la pluie a partir des liens hertziens commerciaux.

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